Three Christians severely injured for trying to construct a new church in Pakistan

(Photo: Unsplash/Sameer Akhtari)

Three Christians were severely injured after a mob of Muslims attacked them for constructing a new church in Sahiwal district, Pakistan on February 2.

According to The Union of Catholic Asia News (UCAN), the three were attacked even after the Christian community had obtained prior permission from Sahiwal District Coordinator to construct a church.

The 550-square-foot plot of land was donated by 25-year-old Azeem Gulzar to build a church for 150 Christians living in the village.

Local Muslims, especially a Muslim school teacher who owned the land next to Gulzar's donated plot, went furious at the idea of Christians trying to construction church.

Despite the fury, Gulzar, along with his younger brother and uncle started the construction work on February 2. They made a wall and door to begin with.

On the same night, a mob of 15 Muslims came to the construction area and tried to demolish the church wall. When Gulzar and other Christians came to the site, a dispute arose and the Muslims shot Gulzar and his brother Waseem and attacked the uncle with an axe.

The shooting left Gulzar paralyzed from shoulder down and the two other Christians were also hospitalized.

In Pakistan, where Islam is a major religion, Christian minorities often face such discrimination and are persecuted for their faith.