A Letter to the Editor: We Should All Act More Like Christ

A 19th century painting depicting the Sermon on the Mount, by Carl Bloch Wikipedia

In a letter to the editor, 'A new way to see the United States', which appeared in print last week, in The Tribune, Jim Conroy, wrote 'We aren't a 'Christian nation,' but we should all act more like Christ.'

Conroy's letter is heart-touching as he explained how Jesus' teachings are very much needed for people to live together today.

"Christ realized something that many people have not yet grown into: We cannot be fully happy with an awareness of others suffering around us. We are literally a human family. And it is in our own self-interest and happiness to cultivate the feeling of 'love your neighbor as yourself.'"

He then goes on to tell why it is more important to be like Christ than to religiously identity oneself as a Christian.

"I don't particularly self-identify as a "Christian," probably because of the way that term is sometimes used to exclude and slight other religious beliefs. However, I take Jesus' message to heart and remind myself to try to live it every day of my life."